"Chasing the Wild Sky" is the pursuit of places in this country, especially the West, that remains untouched by the passing of time, places remote then, and remote a 100+ years later. I stand in the midst of these great lands and reflect on the Creator Who made them, the men who lived among them, the Bill of Rights that protected their opportunity to live in Liberty in these same lands, and the rarity for most people of drinking in such sights.
No cities nearby, no sounds of man, only the wind, the sound of insects, a coyote seranade, late afternoon light play on a great red sandstone wall, Milky Way like few have seen with the naked eye -- these are the rewards of the chasing the wild sky.
Just got back from one such trip; my heart and mind are still there, but I know I have to come back here and get to work, looking forward to the next time I go in pursuit...