Monday, May 11, 2009

Fabricating Reality

BO's recent speech on the economy cites "the recession was years in the making, it will be months or even years in the recovery".   "Years in the making", just after his party took over the halls of Congress (about four or five months, actually), and until then it was a roaring economy.  Yes, the FM twins were a problem, which silly ol' W tried to get Congress to regulate at least twice in his administration to avoid the coming meltdown, but neither a GOP nor a Democratic Congress could come to grips with financial realities.  

Partisonship yet reigns, as though ideology overcomes the laws of function.  When SS bankrupts, it will fall on the Democrat's shoulders, the same with Medicare/cade.  They used partisan politics to prevent any correction of that mess, ignoring the simple laws of finance.  The GOP ignored the need to provide regulation of "funny money" schemes, and the need to protect non-union employees from predatory practices (such as those who lost their retirements at Enron; something was done, but after the horse was out of the barn).

BO ignores his own and his party's responsibilities in crippling an expanding economy.  Check the facts, do not embrace the sound bites.  "Years in the making" was predominately the years of the 110th Congress...

Disclaimer:  I am no GOP apologist, will likely never vote GOP again, and certainly have disliked the Democrats since Carter.  I am  a Jeffersonian republican, a Constitutionalist, perhaps even a libertarian.

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