Republicanism's future is bleak. The Jeffersonian dream of freedom from government has all but died with the passage of this Marxist bill. The American dream is now on life-support. One's reward for hard work and income growth is to be forced to give the fruits of their labor with those who have no such drive. We have four groups to thank for these severe illnesses and demise: Democrats, White House, GOP, and the ignorant Americans who for 70+ years have considered the government part of the solution. Even conservatives such as Christians are to blame, who long ago abdicated their responsibilities toward those in need to the government, in the name of "our Christian heritage".
Nothing can be done about the past. What remains is the present and its influence on the future. The GOP gave up on Reagan's revolution as soon as he left office. They have become just another self-serving pro-big government party. They are not the answer. In truth, the last bastion of hope are the States of America. It is time to pressure our state governments to reject this attack on freedom as a breeching of the 10th Amendment. It is up to the States to fight the constitutionality of this bill. It is time for we the people to use our vote to oust the traitors in both parties, at local, state, and federal levels. It is time for us to ready ourselves for peaceful secession. Liberty is gasping, and only those who love Her and dare live with Her tempestuous behavior can save Her.
Those that defer their own responsibilities for the sake of a nanny state deserve no freedom. Those who are being forced to pay for this beast are being punished for realizing the American dream. Let the revolution begin.
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